Tuesday, August 28, 2007

A little info

Here i am out in the working community with 18 months and not a lot to show for it:( So how does one survive life as a student for the next two years?Well as a winning poker player could this be the way to survive my new life in cork????Where do i start can i make the transition from a winning live player to a winning online player or will i have to try grind my money out of the macau(or donate)!!I have not decided my plan as of yet will probably try grind at some level between $50 nl and $200nl or plo or maybe consider sng a less likely option a far cry from the dizzy heights of jumping in between $1000- $5000 nl,when it comes to live i shall hope to just sit in macau €1-2 as it has been kind to me so far also not forgetting the weekends in clonmel.Tournaments will have to take a backfoot as i could not take the downswings involved,a must for me is the waterford open main event.Thats the low down life as a student poker player kicks off 1st of september